Catching the Bus

Catching the Bus

The Fabled Montropolis Is Found: Jackson Hole

Richard Bangs, often called the father of modern adventure travel, shares this post, Jackson Hole the Fabled Montropolis, on the Huffington Post.

“In the evolution of a place there is sometimes a waymark between free-spirited childhood and the discreet somberness of maturity. But what if the in-between actually signifies the third point of a classic Hegelian dialectical triangle? A rough and rowdy cowboy town at one point, an overly-wrought sophisticated metropolis at the other, and the third being some subtly unstated “third way” that draws on the contradictory nature of the first two states to create a superior third? Jackson Hole may be that mythical intersection, deftly incorporating elements of the small town with the big city, a realization of humanity’s most advanced thought: the idea that recognizes its good self in all things.”

Photo by Didrik Johnck, Catching the Bus, Flickr.


Latham Jenkins has built a successful, decades-long career around his personal credo of “connecting people with experiences.” He has manifested this love of strategic storytelling in all of his professional pursuits in real estate, marketing, media, photography, and more.

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